Day 17 - S (Geometry Nodes)

Day 17 - S (Geometry Nodes)

Having relaxed yesterday with it being Friday, I decided to spend today getting acquainted with the basic workings of Blender 2.93's Geometry Nodes and what is feasible to accomplish them and the like, initially i had this idea in my head to do a procedurally generated forest but realised the time investment for that especially being a complete beginner might be better left to tomorrow's work!

Starting here with the wonderful erindale's introduction to Geometry Nodes:

While watching this, I set out to mess around a little bit, initially just creating some siney lines:

... But realising basically the exact same transform can be applied to any input geometry you pass (one of the bigger selling points of Geometry nodes I suppose , is that you can combine the manual and procedural workflow), we get something like this after instead passing in a subdivided and elongated cube:

Modifying not only the x axis but also the y axis in a sine-like manner and giving it a nice base, we finally get something like this:

I highly recommend checking out Geometry Nodes if you haven't already, they're a lot of fun!

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